Monday 29 December 2014

The moon is made of egg

Who came up with "The moon is made of cheese"? Who thought, when seeing a gray orb in the sky, "Hmmmmm, I bet that's dairy!"? I mean of all the things to think it could be. Why not an egg? That makes way more sense! Although eggs are classified as dairy..... point to you cheese dude I suppose. I digress though. A giant monster egg would make a lot more sense because what else but a dragon could fly up there and lay an egg in the sky? You're probably asking "Joe, why wouldn't the dragon land before laying it's egg? Flying whilst squeezing out a moon sized object from a bodily orifice sounds very uncomfortable." These are some excellent points with which I agree wholeheartedly. But why do women sometimes give birth in a cab etc.? Bad luck and unfortunate timing. Same thing happened to the dragon and then the egg just kind of floated there. When some other dragons nearby noticed this they told the dragon to leave it there to see how long it would stay up there. The female dragon said "But that's my baby up there!" To which the other dragon replied "Come on Bernadet, we all know that's unfertilized." So they left it up there and are still waiting for it to fall.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Dinosaur Diplomacy

Sometimes I wonder if dinosaurs were ever far more advanced than any human race has ever been but they went extinct due to their lack of diplomacy skills. Perhaps there was once a great and prosperous dinosaur empire which stretch across all of the earth. Land and sea! They flew around in giant hover cars and carried around briefcases and wore ties and spoke old school English. But eventually the Carnivore and Herbivore sides grew apart. War was upon them! The mighty civilization was torn to shreds! Eventually there was only small pockets of civilization left. The rest of the dinosaurs had all become little more than the massive beasts we know them as today. Losing the war the carnivores gave in to their ferocious instincts and spent the last of their resources creating a fleet of heavily armored space ships. The ships didn't bother to discriminate between friend and foe wasting the entire planet. A secret Herbivore lab poured out their own ships to try and stop them. Realizing they would soon be overwhelmed the Carnivores took drastic action. Half stayed and targeted all major super volcanoes to be found, setting them off and unleashing ash, dust, brimstone, and magma across the surface of the planet. In one final act of ferocity many of remaining Carnivores dragged a massive asteroid towards the earth and launched it into the surface of the planet. Once and for all wiping out any traces of the great and proud civilization. However the most vicious and clever species, the velociraptor, hijacked the herbivore ships in a ditch act for survival and took the herbivores as a food source for their long journey ahead looking for a new home planet.