Tuesday 30 April 2013

I have decided that one day I shall own a horse, and his name shall be Steedsworth. Steedsworth and I shall go on adventures together. I will ride him from Guelph to Paris. Yes, I know Paris is across the ocean but Steedsworth is a very special horse. Then I shall conquer France. I mean, I just rode a horse across the ocean how hard could it be right? Next I shall use my aquatic steed to cross the english channel and conquer England, and so on and so forth until I have conquered Europe. After that, Who knows? Europe this was your first and only warning. ALL HAIL STEEDSWORTH!!

Monday 29 April 2013

Dancing: Sometimes I will just be dancing around the classroom, Wal-mart, hallways, in public, or even in my own house. No matter when or where I always get funny stares. I believe I may have figured it out, they're jealous you see. Some people myself included are born with the natural ability to dance and look sexy doing it, other people who don't have said natural ability are envious and for this reason they tell you to stop in their jealousy. These stares are stares of envy for your fantastic dancing, so next time a grumpy old person or a security guard gets all up in your face about dancing remember to dance that much harder.
Well, first post and trying to think of something funny.... Nope, although my mom is quite literally leaning her head on my shoulder in a blatant act of stalking. Have you ever just daydreamed about doing something heroic? As in a random happenstance where you have to save everyone's lives? I feel like I would be the one everybody would be getting saved from. I wouldn't go psycho killer or anything, but it is a very distinct possibility that I might one day steal a tractor and drive it through a school cafeteria. Feeling pretty Redneck, my brother who owns " http://prettyflycampguy.blogspot.ca/ " is attempting to extend our satellite dish with wood and duct tape.